Tuesday, October 16, 2007

The Forum

As we prepare for tonight's forum, we would like to mention how well last Wednesday's forum went, especially for our first one.

We had a pretty good turnout. There were 25-35 people at last week's forum and everyone was willing to share their stories.

We did a good job educating the legislators that attended the forum:
Kathy Tingelstad (Republican - MN legislature) and Sandra Peterson (Democrat - MN legislature).

Both of these legislators seemed to sympathetic to our cause and the struggles that we are facing.

We Hope to educate the legislators tonight with facts and information. This will be important, so that we can truly educate these lawmakers about the importance of infertility coverage.

We look forward to seeing you at tonight's forum.

Please Note:
Check back this afternoon for a possible location change to tonight's forum.

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