Friday, September 14, 2007


Welcome to Our Hope Minnesota. Currently Minnesota does not have manadated infertility coverage. 15 states are ahead of Minnesota in mandating that some form of infertility coverage be included in health plans.

With over 100,000 Minnesotans facing infertility issues and the desire to start families, we believe that Minnesota is facing a health crisis that needs to be addressed.

In the coming weeks and months we will be sharing our stories with you and hope that you will share yours. We will also provide you with resources, articles and studies that can help you understand infertility better.

We hope that you will become advocates in our desire to legislate for mandated infertility coverage in Minnesota. We hope that you will contact your Minnesota State Representative and Senator and express your support for mandated coverage.

Quick Facts:
IUI (Intrauterine Insemination) can cost up to $1,500 per cycle if the patient is not covered. Many people have 6 rounds of IUI.

IVF can cost up to $15,000 (plus drug costs) per cycle. Many people have 3 cycles of IVF.

The emotional pain suffered by patients who are experiencing infertility can be as intense or greater then those who suffer from cancer.

Our Hope Minnesota believes that all Minnesotans have the right to start families and that there shouldn't be a financial burden to do so.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It only takes a few.........

Minnesota has a remarkable record of volunteerism and the folk who put this blog together are shining examples of what a small band of volunteers can do.

For years, the political climate in Minnesota has not been favorable require insurers and enployers to provide infertility coverage. In fact, even when related bills have been presented in the past, they have been sabotaged by politicians who misunderstand the plight of those of us who experience infertility.

Now the climate has changed and there is a real chance that we can educate the members of the Minnesota state congress. There is also a very good chance that a bill can pass in the next couple of years.

But what it takes is volunteer time. Many people who've expreienced infertiltiy will read this blog and wonder how they can give back for help they've received with their own infertility in the past.

Attending the October forums posted on this site is one very simple way to give back. When legislators see a strong public interest in an issue, they will move it up their agenda, spend time on it and talk about it in their consistuencies and in the halls of power.

A well attended forum conveys strong interest.

And all it takes is an hour or two to attend one, to share personal experiences with legislators or just to show support by listening.

So I hope and pray that readers of this blog will say "Yes" to this opportunity to help use win support for required coverage in Minnesota.